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Why 2024 is the Year of Video Marketing (and Why You Shouldn’t Miss Out)

Quick Question: If you're not using video to market your brand by now, what are you even doing?

We're in September 2024 and videos have been dominating for a while now. In fact, back in 2023, 92.3% of internet users were already watching online videos–and they probably still are as you read this.

The year's not over and there's still plenty of time to make a major impact with the right strategy. So, before you grab your camera and start filming your dog doing tricks (not that it wouldn't be great content), let's talk about what kind of videos actually work for brands like yours. Spoiler alert: It's not all cat videos and TikTok dances–though those are great too (looking at you, Duolingo and Rynair with your viral TikToks).

The Top Video Content Everyone's Watching

Alright, here's the scoop. When it comes to video, there are a few genres that rule the internet:

Music Videos: Thanks, Beyoncé.

Comedy/Viral content: Think meme-worthy, laugh-out-loud moments. (Khaby Lame, anyone?)

Live streams: Whether it's a gaming marathon or an influencer eating spicy wings, live streams are huge.

Educational and How-To videos: Who hasn't turned to YouTube to learn how to change a tire or bake sourdough?

But for B2B brands, it's less about viral trends and more about building credibility. The real MVPs here are testimonial and explainer videos. These are the kinds of videos that make your brand look like a rockstar while also educating your audience on why you're worth the investment.

Mix It Up: Diversify Your Video Content

So, what should your late-2024 video strategy look like? Simple: mix it up. You don't want to be a one-hit wonder, do you? (Unless you're Chumbawamba, then okay, I guess it works.)

Trending and Tutorials: Get in on trends early–whether it's a viral challenge or the latest industry shift. Don't be afraid to show your audience how to do something cool with your products or services.

Testimonial and Explainer Videos: These are perfect for breaking down your offerings or giving social proof that people love your brand. Think about your favourite Amazon product reviews but way more professional and polished.

By balancing viral content with more structured, informative videos, you can attract a broader audience and also convert those curious viewers into loyal customers.

Make It Entertaining AND Educational (Trust Us, It Works)

Look, we get it. Not all of us are comedians. But in 2024, videos need to do more than just teach–they need to entertain. If your content is just a snoozefest of facts and figures, people will scroll right past you. (Remember when Blendtec made us all care about blenders by simply asking Will it blend?)

Compelling Storytelling: Got some cool data? Wrap it up in a story. Share a shocking fact or challenge a common misconception–basically, keep them hooked.

Humour: Even in B2B, humour works wonders. Sure, you don't want to go full slapstick but a little light-heartedness never hurt anyone. Slack does this perfectly with their quirky, relatable videos about productivity.

Final Thoughts: It's Not Too Late to Crush 2024 with Video

So, we may be in the final stretch of 2024 but it's definitely not too late to leverage the power of video and make an impact. The future of video is here–it's bold, engaging and built to convert. And it's not slowing down anytime soon.

At Videocraft, we're all about making that happen for brands like yours. Whether you're dreaming up the next viral moment or needing a killer explainer video, we've got the skills and strategy to get it done.

Book your 30-minute free consultation and let's make it happen.


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